The third chapter of the on-going concept is finally complete, well it has been completed over a month ago but like everyone else (don’t you dare consider your self special on this one!) at times, have been plagued with a laziness of pandemic proportions and only recently have I shaken this colossal reward. Yes, as it has been said previously mentioned (or have I?), my latest track is quite lengthy, clocking just seconds away from 36 minutes and has been carefully weaved into taste, my taste, of course, you silly! Having said that, or should I say written, I have been very much engrossed to how it actually turned out, positively reciprocating the countless sleepless nights. In the end, it is all worth it. If you have not lent ears to “A Glimpse of Being” just yet, you are fortunate to stumble across this way, here is your golden ticket.
The fourth installment is actually finished as well and ready for the taking soon. This will be a complete contrast, a counterpoint, if you may, to the riff aplenty of its predecessor. This track, entitled “The Grave Continuum” revolves around a single bassline all throughout its entirety, yet having different atmospheres, diverse vibes and resonance of opposing notes in specific portions. I know that this will make the Music Theory aficionados cringe in disgust, but music is meant to be explored, not a cage of stagnant waters. We, most probably, shall have contrary views regarding this but it is a good thing, besides, it is boring to have everyone nodding their heads just for the sake of blending in. Move your heads left and right for once, you slaves!
In the I Soar I camp, meanwhile…Something is brewing and will definitely be something to look forward to. New materials? You guessed it right. It is a long way to go, but everything starts with a step, yet not barring ourselves to take random stumbles along the way as it may enhance the process in turn. Breathe and hope, Earthlings, for now…